Kim “Tip” Frank, longtime school counselor and therapist, has had the privilege of helping thousands of students, formerly as a teacher, and more recently, as a counselor/therapist. Tip worked in the public school setting for over 20 years and now maintains a thriving, private counseling practice. He has authored and coauthored numerous books, including Battling the Blues. His books cover many topics, such as ADD/ADHD, anxiety disorders, depression, social skills, grief, technology and gaming addictions, divorce and separation, and presents nationally on these topics.
This seminar will provide valuable information on how to work with children and teens with milder forms of autism who are mainstreamed in the regular classroom setting. Milder forms of autism include high functioning autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, and nonverbal learning disorder. School success is critical for young people who are “high on the spectrum.” Consider the fact that only 3% of adults with Asperger’s Syndrome live independently and only 12% are gainfully employed. More than one out of a hundred students in our schools is affected by autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). Therefore, knowing specific ways to identify and treat these conditions within the school setting is a make or break proposition. This is an “equipping” webinar which gives educators in their various roles a keen understanding and ability to help young people who are high on the spectrum to succeed.
This session will provide useful, simplistic information about students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Discussion on diagnosis, characteristics, and underlying causes will be included. A multimodal treatment plan which includes psychological counseling, educational planning, behavior modification and medical management will be explained. Multiple handouts will be provided to assist in classroom and home management of ADHD students.
Out of all the conditions confronting children and youth today, depression, anxiety, and ADHD cause some of the greatest behavioral and academic issues. These three “cousins” frequently go together and are often undiagnosed and untreated because of their stealth nature. This session will aid school personnel in identifying these conditions and will provide practical multimodal treatment strategies for use in the school setting, along with how to coordinate professional help from the community at large.
This session addresses childhood and adolescent depression and anxiety. Tip will also explain how to identify and address mood and behavioral disorders as well as how and when to make referrals to professionals in the community.
With young people increasingly tethered to Smartphones and digital devices, there has been a sharp increase of serious problems such as anxiety and depression. There is also a direct link to other problems such as social skills deficits, exploitation of young people (bullying, predators), raging, violence and addictions not to mention a negative educational impact. Tip lays out eight specific problems that the “iGen” faces in our technology-laden world. He identifies these concerns in stating how to take careful “MEASURES” when teaching young people how to have a healthy relationship with today’s technology. Tip will bring out ideas from his book Lost and Found: Rescuing Our Kids from Video, Screen, Technology, and Gaming Addictions to proactively head off these eight problems. However, if a young person is developing or has an addiction to screens be it social media, video games, etc., clear direction is given on how to get “unplugged” and get the help needed for recovery.
This session will provide research-based practical tips to help young people and their parents through the divorce or separation process. Topics include the essential needs for youth, proper communication between parents, children’s grief, parental alienation syndrome, and more. Session attendees will learn how to encourage parents in their ability to co-parent as well as how to encourage young people to cope well and to move forward with their lives.
Today’s young people have more barriers to learning than ever before. Yet they are expected to produce more than ever in this day of “high stakes testing.” Educators and students feel more pressure than ever. To get around this “educational crucible,” educators must focus on the heart of the matter—how to tap the inner motivation of each student. In this workshop, participants will be inspired to look again at how to tap human potential in the classroom and beyond. Practical tips will be imparted to participants in order to deal with today’s barriers to learning such as grief, learning disabilities, ADHD, anxiety, depression, technology addiction, etc.