March 23-24, 2025
Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay
Cambridge, MD
The Maryland School Counselor Association is soliciting proposals for presentations promoting evidence-based programs in the domains of academic achievement, emotional growth, social development, career exploration, and post secondary planning. Presentations showcase best practices, current research, or skills of value to counselors, pre-K to postsecondary, as well as district personnel, graduate students and counselor educators.
The deadline for submissions has passed.
Please note, all presenters must be registered for the conference. Sessions are 60 minutes in length. Sessions must be knowledge, skills, and tool-based. Proposals of a political, marketing or for-profit nature will NOT be accepted.
The conference theme is Navigating the Waves of Innovation. The MSCA requests proposals align with the conference theme. Please clearly state conference theme alignment in the presentation description and program objectives.
An individual may not submit or appear on more than TWO proposals, either as lead contact presenter or as co-presenter.
Accepted presenter(s) must be able to attend the MSCA Conference in person in Cambridge, Maryland, and be available to present on March 24, 2025.
Proposals encouraging the solicitation of materials or services will not be accepted. Presenters who wish to sell materials must purchase exhibit space and confine promotional efforts to the exhibit area.
Proposals will be evaluated on: anticipated interest; alignment with the ASCA National Model®; high quality, well-written summaries, learning objectives and processes; and practical application of material.
MSCA reserves the right to NOT accept a program from any company it deems inappropriate or at cross purposes to the association’s mission. Additionally, MSCA reserves the right to interrupt any session in progress that is deemed objectionable and/or inappropriate.
In addition to filling out and submitting the form below, ALL PRESENTERS are REQUIRED to submit a WORD document doc or PDF of their resume, which includes their degree(s), educational training, certifications and licenses. Resumes must be ONE PAGE MAX.
Notice regarding proposal acceptance will be sent via e-mail by early January 2025.
The Lead Presenter will receive all communications regarding your breakout session and will be responsible for sharing it with co-presenters, if any.
All approved presenters are required to record and submit my session in order to meet MSDE requirements.
The content created (PowerPoints, handouts, recorded presentation, etc.) for your MSCA Conference session may be used and/or repurposed by MSCA after the conclusion of the MSCA Conference. At the minimum, presenters are required to submit a PDF of their PowerPoint presentation. If a PowerPoint is not being presented, presenters must submit a PDF of any handouts or materials being discussed or presented during the presentation. A QR code will be used for attendees to gain access to session handouts. Please provide a file/s to this Google Drive Folder with your session title as the file name. Please upload your materials at least one week before the conference. You are welcome to provide physical copies of your handouts to attendees at your own expense. The rooms will be set for 40-60 participants.
Presenters must make their own hotel reservations and are responsible for all other travel expenses.
If accepted, presenters will be responsible for notifying co-presenters regarding the status of the proposal and the date, time and location of the presentation. All communications regarding your breakout session will come to the Lead Presenter directly, and the lead presenter will be responsible for sharing it with a Co-Presenter, if any. Also note the rate structure for Co-Presenters below. If a Co-Presenter is not added at the time of the CFP submission, one cannot be added in the future.
The convention center is equipped with Wi-Fi Internet that is complimentary for all attendees. However, we highly recommend designing your session so that you will not need internet access, since it can be slow or unreliable.
All meeting rooms will be arranged theater style. Please note that the Conference will provide a LCD Projector, screen, A/V cart and power supply at no charge to you. However, the Conference will not be able to provide any other A/V equipment. You are responsible for providing your own laptop and dongle/appropriate adapter, if needed for your presentation. If your presentation requires sound for a video or sound effect please make the necessary plan to provide that equipment on your own. If you need additional audio visual equipment, please contact the audio visual company at the hotel. Any arrangements you make with the audio visual company will be at your own expense.
The proposal and presentation, if accepted, must not violate any proprietary or personal rights of others (including any copyright, trademark and privacy rights), must be factually accurate, and contain nothing defamatory or otherwise unlawful. Presenters must receive permissions or licenses from any individuals or organizations whose material is included or used in the presentation.
If accepted, presenter(s) understands that MSCA reserves the right to edit your session title and description for clarity, style and space considerations. Edits will not affect the content of the presentation.
Presenter Rate
Save $10 if you register by January 31st!*
*To qualify for the early registration discount, your registration form AND payment (copy of your purchase order, check, or credit card) must be received or postmarked by the early registration cutoff date.
The discounted presenter rate can be used for the lead presenter and co-presenters. If your session is approved, the Lead Presenter will be emailed a link to the exclusive registration portal for approved presenters.
If you and/or your co-presenter(s), if any, plan to present the breakout session and then leave, there will be no registration fee. By not registering, you will not be given a name badge, program manual or tote bag, and will not be able to participate in any other sessions or meal functions at the conference.
The deadline for submissions has passed.
National Center for Youth Issues
P.O. Box 22185
Chattanooga, TN 37422-2185
The Lead Presenter will receive all communications regarding your breakout session and will be responsible for sharing it with co-presenters, if any.
Please note, all presenters must be registered for the conference. Sessions are 60 minutes in length. Sessions must be knowledge, skills, and tool-based. Proposals of a political, marketing or for-profit nature will NOT be accepted.
The conference theme is Sparking Change, Igniting Passion. The MSCA requests proposals align with the conference theme. Please clearly state conference theme alignment in the presentation description and program objectives.
Notice regarding proposal acceptance will be sent via e-mail by end of December.
The Lead Presenter will receive all communications regarding your breakout session and will be responsible for sharing it with co-presenters, if any.
Presenter Rate
Save $10 if you register by January 31st!*