October 9-11, 2024
Embassy Suites & Hampton Roads Convention Center
Hampton, VA

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Virginia School Counselor Association Conference 2025
Virginia School Counselor Association Conference 2025

Thanks for joining us for the 2024 Virginia School Counselor Association Conference!​

We hope to see you next year!


Learn more about our Sponsors

ACT is a mission-driven, nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people achieve education and workplace success. Grounded in more than 60 years of research, ACT is a trusted leader in college and career readiness solutions. Each year, ACT serves millions of students, job seekers, schools, government agencies and employers in the U.S. and around the world. 

For more information please contact MJ Malandrucco, Account Executive at mj.malandrucco@act.org or 484-994-7867.


Our mission is to improve the lives of the people we serve.
Focused on health for over 25 years

We’re more than just a website and phone number. In Virginia, we:
*Work with over 25,000 doctors, hospitals, and specialists statewide.
*Are the largest Medicaid plan.
*Serve more than 750,000 Medicaid members. 

For more information please contact Anthem HealthKeepers Plus at (800) 901-0020.


The Barry Robinson Center provides a holistic environment that sets military-connected youth and their families on the path to healing. Our staff includes qualified and compassionate therapists, teachers, counselors, doctors, nurses, and dietitians. Our beautiful, open, college-like campus provides a safe and serene setting for programs designed to help military-connected youth and their families overcome emotional and behavioral difficulties. 

For more information please contact Lauren DeSimone at LDeSimone@barryrobinson.org or 757-347-0123.


With an evolving mission beyond education savings, Virginia529 is now Commonwealth Savers.

Learn how we help families dream, save, and achieve with Invest529 and ABLEnow.

Invest529 – Education Savings
Flexible and affordable accounts to save for a variety of future higher education expenses, while also saving on taxes.

ABLEnow – Disability Savings
Tax-advantaged accounts to save for the future without impacting eligibility for public disability benefits.

For more information contact Brittany Bullock,
Relationship Marketing Specialist at (888) 567-0540 or bbullock@virginia529.com.


ABLEnow Brochure


Informational Videos

DialCare is a virtual and telephonic counseling service. You can give your students ages 11 and older access to mental health assistance no matter where they are. Members can use their phone, tablet or computer for sessions with mental health professionals from the comfort of their home or on the go. Let our mental health professionals help give you peace of mind. For more information contact Becca Bean, Senior Vice President at beccab@dialcare.com.

The EAS Carpenters represents close to 43,000 of the most skilled carpenters in DE, Washington DC, MD, NJ, PA, VA, and WV. The Council is made up of 25 Local unions, operate 17 state-of-the-art training facilities, and are part of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. EAS Carpenters are trained in many different trades, including: commercial/residential carpentry; heavy highway; piledriving; floor-layering; mill cabinet work; millwright; and tradeshow construction. 

For more information, please contact Patty Grant, Industry & Media Relations Manager at pgrant@cctnetwork.org.


Career Connections


Union Carpenter Flyer


Are you seeking an alternative career path for the students in your community? The U.S. Department of Transportation (FMCSA) is offering a new career opportunity for 18-20-year-olds to operate commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) in interstate commerce.

For more information please contact Justin Jones at (202) 366-2953 or Justin.R.Jones@dot.gov.


Joining the SDAP Program as an apprentice driver is easy and FMCSA has all the information you need!


The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) established the Safe Driver Apprenticeship Pilot (SDAP) Program to meet requirements set forth by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). During this three-year program, FMCSA will grant apprentice drivers approval to operate commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) in interstate commerce while they are under 21 years of age when accompanied by a qualified, experienced driver in the passenger seat. FMCSAs’ primary mission is to prevent crashes, fatalities, and injuries involving large trucks and buses.

Harmony Academy offers educators professional learning and curriculum resources promoting healthy relationships. Harmony Curriculum provides comprehensive classroom materials to foster engaged learners and peer relationships. Harmony Professional Learning empowers educators through free modules and monthly webinars led by inspirational leaders, focusing on relationship building strategies. Visit harmony-academy.org for more information. 

For more information contact Larryelle Phillips  at lphillips2@nu.edu.


Map of Modules




Longwood University—one of Virginia’s oldest public universities— is always looking forward. It’s why we created Civitae, our distinct approach to education that connects people, ideas and actions. Students explore topics that matter most to them. Learn from experienced faculty—not just teaching assistants. And take part in research, internships, and our immersive Brock Experiences all starting their first year. 

What connections will you make? Discover more at  Longwood.edu/about.

For more information contact Jason “Ferg” Ferguson, Dean of Admissions at (434) 395-2139 or fergusonjm@longwood.edu.


Milton Hershey School is one of the world’s best private schools, where qualifying students in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade live on campus. Students receive an exceptional educational experience, nurturing home life, college and career readiness support, and comprehensive health and wellness care, including medical and dental services, food, and clothing—with all costs covered.

For more information contact Margaret Rich at RichM@mhs-pa.org .


Welcome to Old Dominion University – an institution known for its ideal location, excellent education, and affordable tuition! ODU is Virginia’s forward-focused public doctoral research university with more than 24,000 students, over 90 academic programs, and an energetic residential community.

Our  waterfront campus is located in the vibrant city of Norfolk, VA. From internship opportunities, shopping and dining, to beautiful beaches and historic sites, there’s always something to discover.

For more information contact Jaira Rahman-Bowman,  Admissions Counselor and Coach at  jrahman@odu.edu or (757) 683-6103.


ODU Programs of Study

QuaverReady is an online program designed to help all students succeed in school. It includes an evidence-based social and emotional learning curriculum and intervention and behavioral resources. For more information contact Brock Rubsam at (615) 425-3755 or BrockRubsam@QuaverEd.com.

SchooLinks is a modern college and career readiness platform that supports districts’ implementation of a comprehensive curriculum and framework to prepare students for the post-secondary pathway of their choice.  Containing more than eighty interactive student experiences from interest discoveries, academic planning, and soft skill development – SchooLinks offers internship matching, career mentorship, industry partner management, and more to help districts support holistic postsecondary readiness. Our unified solution supports Virginia’s initiatives for improved student outcomes and postsecondary readiness.

For more information, please contact Mike Sandridge at msandridge@schoolinks.com.


Innovation Guide


SCUTA is a technology platform designed specifically for school counselors to develop a data-driven, evidence- based school counseling program. Offering confidential, comprehensive documentation, and use of time analysis system, it is an invaluable tool for school counselors who want to utilize best practices, keep accurate records, and develop a data-driven school counseling program. With SCUTA, school counselors will achieve the characteristics of a high performing school counseling program and can clearly illustrate the nature and impact of their work to their supervisors and stakeholders. 

SCUTA was initially designed for school counselors; however, we have recently expanded services to include utility for school social workers. Additionally, the functionality for school counseling district supervisors, regional coordinators, and state directors includes reporting at individual, school, district, and state levels. These managers can access real-time data reflecting students’ needs, including how they are being addressed by the school counseling program, and school counselor use-of-time. This valuable insight can inform professional development and advocacy efforts.

We look forward to supporting your schools, districts, and states in having a positive impact on student’s needs.

For more information, please contact Stephanie.


Tuition Now Costs a Whopping $90,000 a Year or More at Some Universities” (https://www.msn.com/en-ph/money). Our comprehensive educational workshop, Little-Known Secrets of Paying for College, is designed to empower families by understanding the complex strategies for saving and paying for college. Unlike standard financial aid presentations, we educate parents with students of all ages and demographics, helping families figure out HOW to pay for higher education and still retire one day. 

Founded in 2002, The College Funding Coach® mission remains steadfast: empowering families with the comprehensive knowledge and tools necessary to make informed decisions. Parents don’t know what they don’t know! Partner with us to bring this critical information to your parent community.

For more information, please contact Bernadette Boyle, Director of Educational Programs at (571) 296-4075 bboyle@thecollegefundingcoach.org.


School List


When you support students joining the U.S. Army, you increase their chances in college. They’ll gain access to tuition assistance options that pay for all or part of college. The Army provides state-of-the-art skill training in a career fields from Culinary to Aviation to Medical and Engineering. The Army also has for you March2Success.com, a FREE standardized test prep course. To learn more, visit armyedspace.com, call an Army Education Specialist at 301.395.0776, or stop by the Army booth. 

For more information please contact Baron McCombs, Ph.D., CA, Retired Chief Academic Officer/Assistant Superintendent, HCS, FL  at baron.mccombs.civ@army.mil  or (301) 395-0776.


Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) is in almost 1,000 colleges nationwide. It is an elective course that provides unrivaled leadership and management training. It allows students to maintain a regular academic schedule like any other college student while participating in ROTC training both in and out of the classroom. After graduation and completing the ROTC requirements, students will become an Officer serving full-time or part-time while still pursuing a civilian career. 

For more information please contact Rich Hutson,4th BDE ROTC Recruitment Operations Officer at (910) 528-4450 or  richard.e.hutson2.civ@army.mil.  

ValidateME! evaluates foreign academic records from around the world. Services are guaranteed in 5 days and include accurate grade conversion and translation of documents. We align international coursework to U.S. high school courses so students can be correctly placed in grade level and content. Validating a student’s prior education allows the student to graduate on time while saving school districts significant amount of money. Success in high school and beyond for every student is our goal! For more information please contact Elizabeth Llongueras, Director of Operations at ellongueras@validate-me.org or (956) 459-9596.

Transcript Evaluation Services


Why The Benefits?


Support the Virginia Career and Learning Center for School Mental Health Professionals in advancing the careers of school counselors and licensed mental health professionals in Virginia’s Public Schools. Our center promotes a collaborative environment where these professionals play a vital role in addressing students’ needs and maximizing their potential. Join us in promoting excellence in school mental health by visiting the online career learning center today! 

For more information contact Kristinne Stone, School Mental Health Grant Project Manager at (804) 750-8139 or  kristinne.stone@doe.virginia.gov.


At the Virginia Lottery, fun matters and so does the education of Virginia’s youngest residents. It’s the reason we play so enthusiastically! Every time a product is purchased, winners in education are created all over Virginia. Since 1999, the Virginia Lottery has generated more than $12 billion for Virginia’s public schools. The Virginia Lottery is a WIN for public education in the Commonwealth! 

For more information please contact Eileen Rodgers, Senior Communications Specialist at erodgers@valottery.com or (804) 692-7774 .


Year In Review


Where the Money Goes


Xello is an engaging, online program that helps K-12 students define their future goals and transform their aspirations into actionable plans for success.

It helps them build self-knowledge, explore their options, create a plan, and develop the skills needed to thrive in the world of work. 

For more information please contact Delfina Manocchio, Territory Manager at delfinam@xello.world



Keynote Speakers

John Hodge

John Hodge headshot

Molly Hudgens

Molly Hudgens headshot

Opening Keynote Session 
October 10, 2024| 8:30 a.m.

Resilience has never been more important than it is right now in America’s schools and communities, many of which have been ravaged by risk-factors associated with Covid-19. Today and in the near future, schools must be purposeful in their efforts to foster resilience in students and staff. In the book, You Can Get in the Way, Dr. Hodge defines resilience in the following way: “Resilience refers to the ability to avoid, navigate, bounce back from, get through, get over, go around, or survive adversities of all kinds.” This session is the perfect way to inspire your school district, schools and/or community stakeholders to take action. In this session, Dr. Hodge provides an overview of the book along with very practical solutions to help buffer the risk-factors that traditionally hold kids back. It’s the perfect launch for a new school year, or a needed boost during the tough months that follow. After being shared with over 800 educators in a state-wide conference, this session has already been described as “life-changing” by many of those lucky enough to hear it.



Dr. John W. Hodge is president and co-founder of Urban Learning and Leadership Center (ULLC), an organization focused on student achievement and reduction of the achievement gap. He has served as a reading teacher, English teacher, AVID teacher, Assistant Principal and Associate Director of AVID Center Eastern Division. He served as Director of An Achievable Dream Academy, an inner city school that piloted many of the interventions used by Urban Learning and Leadership Center. An Achievable Dream Academy is a high performing, high poverty school that has received numerous national awards. Dr. Hodge is also the author of You Can Get in the Way. Prior to his career in education, Dr. Hodge distinguished himself in the service of our country with the 7th Infantry Division of the United States Army.

What sets Dr. John W. Hodge apart in the field of education is his well-documented ability to put research and theory into everyday practice in rural, urban and suburban schools. He has served as an inspirational speaker at national, regional, and statewide conferences across the United States. His presentations are often “the spark” for schools in their quest to meet and exceed state/federal accreditation standards and implement strategies for continuous improvement.

John will also be presenting a breakout session.

Closing Keynote Session 
October 11, 2024| 12:00 p.m.

Molly shares the story of how she prevented a school shooting on September 28, 2016. When a student with a fully-loaded semi-automatic handgun came to her with a plan to kill people on the school’s campus, he told her, “I came to you because you’re the only person who can talk me out of this.” After a ninety-minute intervention, the student relinquished the weapon to Hudgens with no shots fired and no lives lost. Hudgens’ retelling of the event walks the audience through the specifics of the incident that took place in her office and highlights previous training that affected her decision-making process during the event. Hudgens speaks boldly of her faith throughout and challenges those in attendance to remember that every human interaction matters and that one life can make a difference. Hudgens became the first Tennessean and only the tenth woman to become a recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation’s Citizens Medal of Honor for her efforts that day.



Molly Bradley Hudgens is a 1998 and 2000 graduate of Western Kentucky University with a bachelor of arts degree in English and Allied Language Arts and a master of arts education degree in counseling. She is currently completing her twenty-first year as an educator in the Cheatham County School System where she serves as a school counselor at Sycamore Middle School in Pleasant View, Tennessee.

After a personal experience in college, her interest in violence prevention and safety sparked a desire to educate others who work with intervening in the lives of potentially violent teenagers. Her in-depth study on school shootings and the teenagers who commit these acts, “Recognizing Red Flags,” has been utilized nationally to train professionals in the fields of education, law enforcement, juvenile probation, and juvenile court. The training focuses on understanding the three types of school shooters and how to use threat assessment tools as an intervention to prevent violent acts in a school and community setting.

Molly will also be presenting a breakout session.

Click the session to title to learn more

Pre-Conference Speakers

Raychelle Cassada Lohmann

Raychelle Cassada Lohmann

Amie Dean

Amie Dean headshot

Pre-Conference Session 
October 9, 2024| 2:00 p.m.

Nearly a quarter of the nation’s youth will experience a traumatic event by age 16. Trauma can significantly impact young people’s physical and mental health, affecting their ability to learn and excel academically. Therefore, schools are crucial in creating safe, supportive environments that foster resilience and promote healing. Whether it’s a Big T event (i.e., unexpected loss of a loved one), little t occurrence (i.e., moving to a new school), or multiple complex traumas (i.e., exposure to pervasive abuse), the psychological effects can extend across a lifetime. Fortunately, there are essential coping skills that, if taught and nurtured, can significantly increase a youth’s ability to heal and persevere. This interactive presentation aims to teach participants about Big T and little t events and explore trauma’s neurological impact on young people. Furthermore, emphasis will be placed on building skills and implementing strategies to create a trauma-sensitive school environment where students do more than survive; they thrive.



Raychelle Cassada Lohmann, Ph.D., is a counselor educator, clinical mental health counselor, school counselor, and international author of numerous books, including three in the 15-Minute Focus series: Digital Citizenship, Anger, Rage and Aggression, and Growth Mindset, Resilience, and Grit, along with many others. Raychelle has expertise in a wide range of issues affecting children and adolescents, from anger and aggression to anxiety and depression to sexual trauma and bullying. Raychelle attended North Carolina State University, receiving her B.A. in psychology, her M.S. in counselor education, and her Ph.D. in counseling and counselor education. With 25 years in the counseling profession, Raychelle has devoted much of her time to working with children, adolescents, parents, and educators.

Raychelle is a licensed clinical mental health counselor supervisor and licensed school counselor in NC. She is also a licensed professional counselor in SC. Additionally, Raychelle is an EMDR-certified provider and holds the following certifications: Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS), Board Certified Telemental Health Provider (BCTMH), Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP), and Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF).

Pre-Conference Session 
October 9, 2024| 2:00 p.m.

Behavior Interventions That Work

Do you have a plan for what you will do when a student doesn’t comply with your request the first time? Second time? How about the third time? Do you go home tired and exhausted from frustration? This presentation will guide you in developing a thorough, preventative plan for handling issues from low level distractions to serious/chronic behaviors. This is a practical, hands-on presentation filled with concrete steps you can use the next day to help students and yourself.

Motivating Challenging Students

Like many of you, I have had classes, and often students, which led me to think, “How will I make it this year?” I have spent my career as a classroom teacher searching for and learning which strategies work with students. My only criteria: positive and practical! This session is designed for teachers who believe that every student has a gift to offer the world. We have to find ways to help them realize it.



Amie Dean, M.Ed., B.A. has worked in education for 28 years. She has experience teaching at all levels, and has taught both special and general education. She was with Fulton County Schools (GA) for ten years, four of which she provided support to teachers and students as the Student Support/ RTI Coordinator for her middle school. She holds a Master’s degree in Education and is Nationally Board Certified as an Exceptional Needs Specialist. With 28 years’ experience as an educator and 14 years as a professional consultant, Amie has worked with thousands of teachers, counselors and administrators in over 250 districts to improve best practices in behavior support, student engagement, and differentiated instruction. Amie has trained with Dr. Rick DuFour, Dr. Kay Burke, Dr. Spencer Kagan, Dr. Ruby Payne, and many others. Amie is also an author of many books, including Your Happy Heart, There’s No Dream Too Tall, and 15-Minute Focus: Behavior Interventions: Strategies for Educators, Counselors, and Parents and accompanying Workbook.

Click the session to title to learn more

Featured Breakout Presenter

Krystal L. Clemons

Krystal Clemons headshot

School counselors underutilize three community entities within the Black American community: the Black Church, salons and barbershops, and Black Greek Letter Organizations (BGLOs). School counselors can use Cultural Wealth and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) as frameworks for making these connections to further cultivate Black American student achievement. This session will give school counselors the information to assist students through data and SMART goals, bolster student success, and close the achievement, attainment, and opportunity gaps.

Dr. Krystal L. Clemons is a professor of counseling at Denver Seminary and is a licensed school counselor (VA), a Nationally Certified Counselor, a Nationally Certified School Counselor, and an Approved Clinical Supervisor. She is also the founder and CEO of Our Village Consulting. Dr. Clemons received her B.A. in psychology from the University of Virginia and received her M.S.Ed in school counseling and Ph.D. in counselor education from Old Dominion University. Previously, Dr. Clemons served as a professional school counselor for six years in Washington, D.C., and Virginia. ASCA recognized her during Black History Month 2021 as one of the Black school counseling professionals who has made significant contributions. Her research interests include anti-racism in school counseling and Black community involvement. Dr. Clemons has given over 80 peer-reviewed and invited presentations on the state, national, and international levels; and has published extensively in peer-reviewed counseling and education journals.

Twice-exceptional (2E) children are those who are both gifted and have a learning, physical, or emotional disability. However, 2E Black children often face additional challenges for several reasons. Black children are disproportionately represented in special education and have lower rates of identification for gifted programs. This presentation will involve a case study and aims to explore the experiences of 2E Black children in education settings and identify ways to better support their unique strengths and needs.

Dr. Krystal L. Clemons is a professor of counseling at Denver Seminary and is a licensed school counselor (VA), a Nationally Certified Counselor, a Nationally Certified School Counselor, and an Approved Clinical Supervisor. She is also the founder and CEO of Our Village Consulting. Dr. Clemons received her B.A. in psychology from the University of Virginia and received her M.S.Ed in school counseling and Ph.D. in counselor education from Old Dominion University. Previously, Dr. Clemons served as a professional school counselor for six years in Washington, D.C., and Virginia. ASCA recognized her during Black History Month 2021 as one of the Black school counseling professionals who has made significant contributions. Her research interests include anti-racism in school counseling and Black community involvement. Dr. Clemons has given over 80 peer-reviewed and invited presentations on the state, national, and international levels; and has published extensively in peer-reviewed counseling and education journals.

Click the session to title to learn more


NBCC Hours

VSCA has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6066. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. VSCA is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

To receive NBCC hours you MUST complete an evaluation for each session attended via this link: https://tinyurl.com/VSCANBCChours.  All session evaluations must be completed by October 31st.

If you would like to print out a Certificate of Attendance for attending this year’s conference please go to https://dashboard.ascaconferences.org.  Please note that this certificate may satisfy most division’s continuing education requirements, but does NOT meet the requirements for the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC).


Advanced Registration Deadline:
October 6, 2024

Become a Member

Please visit the VSCA website and become a member or renew your annual membership. Please contact VSCA directly for all membership questions. For questions about VSCA membership please contact, Lauren White at vscamembershipchair@gmail.com.

Pre-Conference | October 9



Graduate Student/Retiree




Main Conference | October 10-11


Conference : $170

With Membership*: $210

Save $20 if you register by September 15th!**

Onsite registration adds $20 to your rate, so register now!

Graduate Student/Retiree

Conference : $70

With Membership*: $90

Save $10 if you register by September 15th!**

Onsite registration adds $30 to your rate, so register now!


Conference : $240

Save $20 if you register by September 15th!**

Onsite registration adds $20 to your rate, so register now!

*As of July 1, 2024, VSCA Graduate Student Membership is free. 
If you are a grad student, please register as a member and visit vsca.org to sign up for your free membership!

Thursday OR Friday | October 10 OR 11

Thursday ONLY

Conference : $130

With Membership**: $170

Save $20 if you register by September 15th!**

Onsite registration adds $20 to your rate, so register now!

Friday ONLY

Conference : $130

With Membership**: $170

Save $20 if you register by September 15th!**

Onsite registration adds $20 to your rate, so register now!

*Your VSCA membership must be good through October 11, 2024 to qualify for these rates. To take advantage of the discounted Member prices, renew your membership on the VSCA website or bundle your membership with your conference registration. Professional Members are $40 annually and Retired Emeritus Members are $20 annually.
As of July 1, 2024, VSCA Graduate Student Membership is free. If you are a grad student, please register as a member and visit vsca.org to sign up for your free membership!

**To qualify for the early registration discount, your registration form AND payment (copy of your purchase order, check, or credit card) must be received or postmarked by the early registration cutoff date.  

Please Note: If we are forced to cancel the VSCA Conference because of a “force majeure” event, such as a government restriction on large gatherings that cover the intended size of the conference, then we will issue full refunds of the registrations. Otherwise, our normal cancellation policy will be upheld: There will be no refunds after September 9, 2024. All cancellations before September 9, 2024 will be refunded less a $25 handling fee.  The association is not responsible for and cannot give refunds due to problems beyond its control, such as weather and school closings.
On social distancing and other health and safety measures, the regulations/guidelines that apply to hotels and conference centers may change. The VSCA Conference will conform to all necessary regulations/guidelines that are in place as of the date of the conference.
The sponsors of the conference receive registrant contact information.



Embassy Suites and Hampton Road Convention Center

1700 Coliseum Drive
Hampton, VA 23666


Virginia School Counselor Association Conference March 2-4, 2022 Embassy Hotel exterior

Come Learn and Play!

In the evening, make sure you take time to relax and enjoy the surrounding area. Visit the Peninsula Town Center, less than a mile from the Embassy Suites! At the Town Center, enjoy shopping at the Loft, Yankee Candle, Sephora, Forever 21, Barnes & Noble, and many more. You can sit back and relax at the many restaurants, such as Abuelo’s, Avenue Blue, Outback and My Pi, along with others. The Peninsula Town Center has a premium movie theater with leather recliners and gourmet food, so you can finally watch that movie you have been wanting to see.

Click here to see all the fun you can have at the Peninsula Town Center.

We hope this conference will educate and equip you to do your job well, and we also hope you will take advantage of the wonderful ways you can relax and be refreshed!



Fax 423.899.4547


National Center for Youth Issues
P.O. Box 22185
Chattanooga, TN 37422-2185

Make all checks and purchase orders payable to:
National Center for Youth Issues

The Attendee will receive an email confirmation to the email address provided when their registration is processed. (Make sure to check Junk/Spam folders.) Please allow ample time for processing.

Please contact VSCA directly with all membership questions.

Sponsors receive attendee contact information.