March 4, 2022 | 8:00 a.m.
Peerless Road Church
3301 Peerless Road NW | Cleveland, TN 37312
We hope to see you next year.
School counselors from the Cleveland City Schools, Bradley County Schools and the surrounding districts are invited to attend these informative sessions at the Peerless Road Church. Lunch will be provided. See the schedule below.
Everyone will also have the opportunity to shop at the NCYI Resource Center. Each of the Cleveland City Schools and Bradley County Schools will receive a gift certificate to be used to select resources on-site, compliments of their school district.
Lisa King has worked with students developing and using innovative practices as a school counselor for 20 years. She has won numerous awards in her district and presented her programs at local, state and national conferences. Lisa has authored seven books including her latest book, Be Your Own Hero. Her other books include Mindset Matters, Integrating Growth Mindset In Schools, Academic Advisement Program, Teaching Career Essentials and How to Create A College Day. Lisa attended Tufts University for her undergraduate degree and Georgia State University for her graduate degrees. She lives in Marietta, GA (Atlanta suburb) with her husband and daughter.
In a world that changes so quickly, how can educators remain relevant and up-to-date on current trends when our plates are already so full? And as we strive to learn about innovative practices how can we remain resilient? This session will provide inspiration as well as some practical ideas as we explore both the quest for learning and the need for self-care.
So much has happened since school closures began in March 2020. And when our students return to school, we will meet them where they are, which will differ by leaps and bounds for each learner… academically and emotionally. The great uncertainty ahead requires us to have a plan for re-entry. We will discuss creating a Growth Mindset Road Map as a starting point. What does this mean? This means creating a common language that revolves around dealing with change, overcoming obstacles, and the need to learn new skills. This map includes setting up how to address racism, equity issues in digital learning, and how the pandemic has accentuated many mental health issues for our families. Regardless of our mode of delivery, we need to create a foundation for students and teachers that provides a foundation and spring board for both staff and student learning.
8:00 am – 8:30 am
Registration and receipt of school gift certificates for the NCYI Resource Center
8:30 am – 8:45 am
Opening Greetings and Announcements
8:45 am – 9:45 am
Featured Presentation by Lisa King – Staying Relevant While Remaining Resilient
9:45 am – 10:00 am
Sponsor Break
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Featured Presentation by Lisa King – Navigating the New Normal with a Growth Mindset ROAD MAP
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Box Lunch, Shopping at the NCYI Resource Center and Visit Sponsors
We hope you will plan to join us for this important event. All conference activities, including lunch, the conference sessions, and parking are included in your registration.
(includes gift certificate)
For questions, call NCYI at (423) 899-5714, ext. 306.
All are welcome to shop at the NCYI Resource Center!
This is an opportunity for you to personally review and purchase curriculum, activity and small group manuals, books, videos, DVDs and CDs. NCYI has the newest and best guidance resource materials available from America’s foremost publishers in Classroom Guidance, Character Education, Bullying Prevention / Intervention, Anger Management, Conflict Resolution, Separation Issues, Grief Recovery, Learning Disabilities and Social Skills Training.
Save on shipping and handling – You can save 5% to 8% by purchasing from the on-site display and taking the resources with you, which eliminates shipping and handling charges! On-site discounts will also be offered.
Specialty savings on overstock items – Save 50% or more off the retail price of a unique selection of overstock items.
NCYI accepts all major credit cards, personal checks, purchase orders, and even cash for additional purchases! If you have building level funds available, you can use a school purchase order.
National Center for Youth Issues, or NCYI, is a national non-profit organization that publishes and distributes guidance resource materials for schools. In addition to publishing its own publications, NCYI represents over 40 different publishers of educational resources. They also provide training opportunities for educators through on-site training services, as well as regional and state-wide conferences.