August 6, 2021 | 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Northwest Florida State College
100 College Blvd E. Building 400
Niceville, FL 32578
Proudly Supporting our School Guidance Counselors, Social Workers, School Psychologist, and Mental Health Counselors
We hope to see you next year.
School Guidance Counselors, Social Workers, School Psychologist, and Mental Health Counselors from Okaloosa County School District are invited to attend these informative virtual sessions. See the schedule below.
Upon confirmed attendance, all attendees will receive a voucher to be used to select resources at the NCYI Virtual Product Showcase – compliments of your school district and the sponsors listed below.
Dr. Melissa A. Louvar Reeves, Ph.D., NCSP, LPC recently served as President of the National Association of School Psychologists (2016-17). She is currently an Associate Professor at Winthrop University, SC in the psychology department and school psychology graduate program and a senior consultant with Sigma Threat Management Associates, PA. Dr. Reeves is a nationally certified school psychologist, licensed special education teacher, licensed professional counselor, and former district coordinator of social/emotional/behavioral services. She has over 20 years’ experience working in public schools and a private school, in addition to providing mental health services in day and residential treatment settings.
The current COVID-19 pandemic has shaken our traditional educational system to its core. The sudden shift to remote learning has been traumatic for students, staff, and parents. For many students, adverse childhood experiences such as this can negatively impact their attention, decision-making, and response to stress. Likewise, the return to in-person learning may also be a difficult adjustment for many. Participants in this session will be introduced to key elements in developing a comprehensive SEL plan for reopening schools. Specifically, participants will recognize signs/symptoms of stress among staff and students, learn strategies to help students and staff identify, understand, and manage their emotions and identify resources that prioritize relationships and human connections to meet the existing and emerging mental health needs of students.
This workshop is designed to enhance participants existing knowledge base about trauma, grief, loss, and mourning. Participants will increase their levels of comfort in dealing with trauma and grief, better understand the differences between normal and complicated grieving, and learn intervention strategies to address both. Participants will also achieve a better understanding of factors that influence grief and mourning, and develop specialized skills for helping children and adolescents cope more successfully with these intensely felt emotions.
Youth who demonstrate behaviors consistent with a conduct disorder are often seen as socially maladjusted, impossible to reach, and are often prevented from accessing specialized supports due to not having an “emotional disability”. This presentation will compare and contrast behaviors consistent with conduct disorder and complex trauma to better understand the etiology of their challenging behaviors. Participants will better understand how complex trauma impacts behaviors, social-emotional development, academic achievement, and the ability to connect with others. The negative outcomes of ineffective interventions will be highlighted and interventions on how to more effectively reach these students and address the underlying complex trauma will be shared.
8:00 am – 8:15 am
Greetings & Sponsor Introductions
8:15 am – 10:15 am
Session 1 with Dr. Melissa Reeves – A New Normal: SEL Considerations for Schools
10:15 am – 10:30 am
10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Session 2 with Dr. Melissa Reeves – Helping Traumatized Students and Those Who Experience Grief, Loss, and Mourning
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Lunch On Your Own
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Session 3 with Dr. Melissa Reeves – Conduct Disorder vs. Complex Trauma…or Can it Be Both?
2:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Closing Remarks
2:45 pm – 3:00 pm
Voucher Pickup
This is a virtual opportunity for you to personally review and purchase curriculum, activity and small group manuals, books, videos, DVDs and CDs. NCYI has the newest and best guidance resource materials available from America’s foremost publishers in Classroom Guidance, Character Education, Bullying Prevention/Intervention, Anger Management, Conflict Resolution, Separation Issues, Grief Recovery, Learning Disabilities and Social Skills Training.
School Guidance Counselors, Social Workers, School Psychologist, and Mental Health Counselors that attend the Mental Health Summit will be eligible to receive a generous coupon/voucher to shop in the NCYI Virtual Product Showcase! You will get the opportunity to shop for resources in the Virtual Showcase for approximately 2 weeks after the In-Service date. You will receive your coupon code and instructions for use in the days following the In-Service on August 6th. Please note that NCYI accepts all major credit cards for additional purchases.
National Center for Youth Issues, or NCYI, is a national non-profit organization that publishes and distributes guidance resource materials for schools. In addition to publishing its own publications, NCYI represents over 40 different publishers of educational resources. They also provide training opportunities for educators through on-site training services, as well as regional and state-wide conferences.