Monday, October 28, 2028 | 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Metro Technology Springlake District Center
School Counselors from Oklahoma City Public Schools are invited to attend a day of training and inspiration with various speakers. You can also visit with area youth service agencies and sponsors, who will display information on their available services. Come be refreshed and invigorated to continue the work you are doing. For the full schedule see below.
Also, all School Counselors will receive a COMPLIMENTARY BOOKSTORE VOUCHER to be used to shop at the on-site NCYI Resource Fair.
Class 101 is a college planning service for students in grades 8-12. Our planners assist students with college research, resume building, study skills, test prep, and so much more. Class 101 is also available to school districts to assist with a wide range of services, such as test prep courses and high school prep workshops. We are based in Norman- but serve students across the state virtually.
For more information contact Rennie Cook, Owner at (405) 642-0246 or
Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children (OBHC) is the largest provider of private, not-for-profit, residential childcare in the state. OBHC serves more than 200 at-risk children and families on our four campus locations across Oklahoma. OBHC exists to show and share the love of Christ to children and their families. The mission of Hope Pregnancy Center is to help young men and women have hope and choose life in the midst of an unplanned pregnancy.
For more information contact Diane Glennie at (405) 309-2826
For more information about U.S Army Recruiting, visit
Dr. Leigh Bagwell is a member of the School Counseling Core Faculty in the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Capella University. Bagwell joined Capella in the spring of 2022 shortly after completing her doctorate in Counselor Education and Supervision from the University of Tennessee. She began her career as an elementary and middle school counselor before moving to leadership and supervisory roles in school counseling for preK-12 education in both urban and suburban school districts then ultimately serving as the Director of School Counseling Services for the Tennessee Department of Education. As a school counseling educator and leader, her mission is to provide school counselors and administrators with the training and resources needed to deliver high quality, student driven, data informed comprehensive school counseling programs to all students. She believes when school counselors and school leaders work together to all students have access to the opportunities and supports they need to successfully move through their elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education into their chosen career.
In addition to her work in Tennessee, Bagwell partners with school counselors and school counseling leaders throughout the country using her experiences and knowledge to build their capacity to more effectively serve students. She has authored multiple books in the 15 Minute Focus Series: Self-Harm and Self-Injury: When Emotional Pain Becomes Physical and Anxiety: Worry, Stress, and Fear and an accompanying workbook, along with 30-Minute Groups: Anxiety. Leigh has also served as a consultant on several SEL children’s books. She has conducted research on mental health supports for students and families and is a consultant with an international organization developing tools and materials that help school counselors deliver effective school counseling programs to all students. Dr. Bagwell’s hope is to equip and empower school counselors to use their unique knowledge and skills to advocate and support all students to reach their potential and achieve their dreams.
What does a successful student look like? What are the skills, knowledge, and experiences our students need to transition effectively from education and training to the workforce? Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s workforce goes beyond the traditional career speakers and “careers on wheels” of days past. More than half of our students will pursue a career that has not been developed yet. College and career readiness begins with early exposure and awareness to a broad range of career fields and employability skills. These skills will not only prepare them for success in the workplace, but also success in both secondary and postsecondary education. When students transition from elementary schools to middle and high schools, they also progress from career awareness to career exploration and planning. College and career readiness continues to focus on the development and refinement of employability skills. It also broadens the scope from just knowing about different careers to exploring the high demand opportunities in their communities, aligning personal interests and aptitudes to career fields, and identifying specific pathways to move successfully from secondary to postsecondary to the workforce.
Using school counseling standards as the foundation, we will discuss the profile of a college and career ready student. Participants will leave with specific school counseling strategies and practices that will deepen their students’ understanding of the world of work and connect it to their school experience. School counselors will increase their capacity to provide high quality advising and support students as they move along their chosen pathways to and through secondary and postsecondary education and on to the workforce.
When preparing students for success in postsecondary education and the workforce it is important that they have academic and content knowledge and training. College and career readiness begins with early exposure and awareness to a broad range of career fields and employability skills. It also includes helping students connect what they are learning in the classroom to their dreams and future career goals. Another important component of college and career readiness is social and emotional development. Self-awareness, self-management and interpersonal skills are critical to students’ transition to postsecondary and the workforce.
College and career readiness continues to focus on the development and refinement of both academic and social emotional skills. It also broadens the scope from just knowing about different careers to exploring the high demand opportunities in their communities, aligning personal interests and aptitudes to career fields, and identifying specific pathways to move successfully from secondary to postsecondary to the workforce. These skills will not only prepare them for success in the workplace, but also success in both secondary and postsecondary education.
Because school counseling programs integrate academic preparation, social and emotional development with college and career readiness, school counselors are uniquely positioned to lead this important work. It begins by ensuring that school counselors have strategies and practices that will deepen their students’ understanding of the world of work and connect it to their school and life experiences. School counselors will increase their capacity to provide high quality school counseling services and support students as they move along their chosen pathways to and through secondary and postsecondary education and on to the workforce.
More details to follow
7:45 am – 8:15 am
, visit Sponsors. and shop the Resource Fair
Front Lobby
8:15 am – 10:00 am
Welcome and Opening Session
Keynote Speaker Julia Cook presenting Joy: It’s an Inside Job
Exhibit Hall C
10:00 am – 10:15 am
Transition Break
10:15 am – 11:15 am
Breakout Session 1
11:15 am – 12:20 pm
Lunch, visit Sponsors, and shop the Resource Fair
Main Conference Room
12:20 pm – 1:20 pm
Breakout Session 2
1:20 pm – 1:35 pm
Transition Break
1:35 pm – 2:35 pm
Closing Session
Keynote Speaker Julia Cook presenting Unlearning Helplessness: Motivating the Underachiever
Exhibit Hall C
2:35 pm – 3:30 pm
Shop the Resource Fair and Networking
Front Lobby
All School Counselors will receive a COMPLIMENTARY COUPON to shop the NCYI Resource Fair at the conference!
This is an opportunity for you to personally review and purchase curriculum, activity and small group manuals, books, videos, DVDs and CDs. NCYI has the newest and best guidance resource materials available from America’s foremost publishers in Classroom Guidance, Character Education, Bullying Prevention / Intervention, Anger Management, Conflict Resolution, Separation Issues, Grief Recovery, Learning Disabilities and Social Skills Training.
Save on shipping and handling – You can save 5% to 8% by purchasing from the on-site display and taking the resources with you, which eliminates shipping and handling charges! On-site discounts will also be offered.
Specialty savings on overstock items – Save 50% or more off the retail price of a unique selection of overstock items.
NCYI accepts all major credit cards, personal checks, purchase orders, and even cash for additional purchases! If you have building level funds available, you can use a school purchase order.
National Center for Youth Issues, or NCYI, is a national non-profit organization that publishes and distributes guidance resource materials for schools. In addition to publishing its own publications, NCYI represents over 40 different publishers of educational resources. They also provide training opportunities for educators through on-site training services, as well as regional and state-wide conferences.
National Center for Youth Issues
P.O. Box 22185
Chattanooga, TN 37422-2185