Prince George's County Public Schools Summit 2023 header
Prince George's County Public Schools Summit 2023 header
Prince George's County Public Schools Summit 2023 header

Tuesday, August 22, 2023 | 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
MGM National Harbor Hotel


Our Annual Conference is Here!

Our Annual Conference is Here!

Let’s Get Retooled at the Student Services Conference Training:  Build your capacity in behavior, discipline, and safety. School Counselors, Pupil Personnel Workers, and School Psychologists from Prince George’s County Public Schools will experience a day of training and inspiration with various speakers. You can also visit with area youth service agencies and sponsors, who will display information on their available services. Come be refreshed and invigorated to continue the work you are doing. For the full schedule see below.

With grateful appreciation to our Sponsor

PFS Investments logo

With grateful appreciation to our Sponsors

With grateful appreciation to our Sponsors



Ginger Healy headshot

Ginger Healy

Ginger Healy MSW, LCSW is a clinical social worker with almost 30 years of experience in the field of social work. Ginger has worked as a child abuse investigator, hospital social worker, and school therapist. She spent 15 years as the social service supervisor at an international adoption agency and was able to travel to provide support for orphanages all over the world. This job taught her so much about attachment and trauma needs in children. She currently works as the program director for the Attachment and Trauma Network where she co-anchors the podcast “Regulated & Relational” and speaks across the nation on trauma-informed schools, therapeutic parenting, and community engagement. She is also the author of 15-Minute Focus: Regulation and Co-Regulation. She is married with four children who have been her greatest teachers about developmental trauma and special needs. She loves to travel and read.

Jorge Valenzuela headshot

Jorge Valenzuela

Jorge Valenzuela is a well-regarded and nationally recognized performance and education coach, author, and speaker at Lifelong Learning Defined. He got his start in education and has helped countless educators improve their leadership and instructional innovation skills. Jorge specializes in emphasizing core instruction and is a trusted deliverer of reputable professional training in team building, project-based learning, STEM pathways, and life skills integration across the curriculum. He partners with superintendents and provides professional development on behalf of ASCD, Corwin, Premiere Speakers Bureau, and Solution Tree. He has authored several books and is the Lifelong Learning Defined podcast host. You can find him on Instagram and Twitter at handle @JorgeDoesPBL.

Ginger Healy
Counselor, Author, and Speaker

Ginger discusses attachment- what it is, how it’s developed, and why it’s important for academic success. She explores buffer relationships and attunement to student needs. She digs into teacher triggers and how to look at behaviors that get under our skin. Ginger will offer strategies for removing barriers that block academic success and emotional healing. Participants will make a paradigm shift in understanding behaviors and be able to implement strategies to help children reach academic success and get on the path to healing adversities.

The Importance of Relationships Handout

Jorge Valenzuela
Education Coach, Author, and Speaker 

Participants will be inspired to consider evidence-based strategies for helping their learners discover and pursue their passions for academic and life success. There will also be discussion about how student services staff can improve their own well-being.

Parking Lot Handout

Click title to expand for the session description



We have many great breakout sessions that we will be offering at the conference! Look through the list below and choose the ones you would like to pre-register to attend. Please note that space in each session is limited. Each speaker will present their session twice, once for each breakout session.

Jeff Bostic headshot

Jeff Bostic

PGCPS Benefits Office logo- Wellness 360

PGCPS Benefits Office

Raychelle Cassada Lohmann headshot

Raychelle Cassada Lohmann​

Emily Pasco headshot

Emily Pasco​

Scott Showalter headshot

Scott Showalter​

Jorge Valenzuela headshot

Jorge Valenzuela

Scott Showalter
Coordinator of Psychological Services

Emily Pasco
Mental Health Coordinator, PGCPS

This presentation will provide professional school counselors and school psychologists with the knowledge and skills to implement the behavior threat assessment process. Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of how to conduct student interviews and work with the school-based behavior threat assessment team to determine threat levels and complete comprehensive student support plans.

Behavioral Threat Assessment Handout

PGCPS Benefits Office
Wellbeing Consultant

Through guided instructions, participants will be able to strengthen their muscles with seated exercise to help build healthier muscles and bones, improves posture, and relieve back pain. Chair yoga can also improve flexibility and balance. By incorporating chair exercises into your routine helps stretch your muscles to achieve their full range of motion.

Dr. Jeff Bostic
Child Psychiatrist, Maryland State Dept Educ School Mental Health Response Program

This presentation will review types of explosive outbursts and matching responses to different types of explosive outbursts. In addition, the stages of outbursts are described, with interventions to help deescalate students provided at each stage.

Managing Explosive Outbursts Handout

Jorge Valenzuela
Education Coach, Author, and Speaker

In this interactive session, education coach Jorge Valenzuela models a framework that helps students find common ground when between academic and social and emotional learning topics. Participating educators will practice applying the strategy and reflect on implementing it with colleagues or students.

Raychelle Cassada Lohmann
Counselor, Author, and Speaker

Nationwide schools are experiencing a rise in disruptive student behaviors. Behavioral issues can adversely impact the school environment leading to more peer-to-peer conflict, classroom disruptions, and even staff exhaustion. Educators know firsthand the amount of time spent on disciplining and redirecting challenging behaviors. In this interactive session, you will learn how to accurately assess and interpret challenging behaviors and effectively identify the antecedents for disruptive outbursts. Additionally, you will learn evidence-based coping skills to help your students manage their emotions and control their behavior, leading to more favorable outcomes. This session will help equip you with the essential knowledge to help your students minimize challenging behaviors and maximize academic, emotional, and social success.

Understanding and Managing Disruptive Behaviors in Schools Handout

Click title to expand for the session description

Supplemental Resources 

Irritability Response Inventory



8:00 am – 8:45 am

Registration & Continental Breakfast 

8:45 am – 9:00 am

Welcome from Student Services Leadership & Introduction of Plenary Speaker 

9:00 am – 10:00 am

Plenary Session #1 – Ginger Healy

10:00 am – 10:15 am

Transition Break & Visit Sponsors

10:15 am – 11:15 am

Breakout Session #1

11:15 am – 12:15 pm

Lunch, Shop at the NCYI Bookstore, & Visit Sponsors

12:15 pm – 1:15 pm

Breakout Session #2

1:15 pm -1:30 pm

Transition Break & Visit Sponsors

1:30 pm – 2:30 pm

Plenary Session #2 – Jorge Valenzuela

2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Shop at the NCYI Bookstore & Visit Sponsors



Registration has Closed

All conference activities, including lunch, the training sessions, voucher, and parking are FREE OF CHARGE. Please register below to attend and to receive a Bookstore voucher (note the deadline).

Registration deadline:

August 18, 2023

Register to attend and receive a Bookstore Voucher

Work Address(Required)

Breakout Sessions

Choose the breakout sessions that you would like to attend at the summit. Please note that space in each session is limited and will be closed once capacity is reached.
10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Breakout Session 1(Required)
10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Breakout Session 1(Required)
CLOSED - Behavior Threat Assessment (Showalter/Pasco) and Understanding and Managing Disruptive Behaviors in Schools (Cassada Lohmann)
12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. Breakout Session 2(Required)
12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. Breakout Session 2(Required)
CLOSED - Understanding and Managing Disruptive Behaviors in Schools (Cassada Lohmann)

Please Note: If we are forced to cancel the Summit because of a “force majeure” event, such as a government restriction on large gatherings that cover the intended size of the conference, then we will issue full refunds of the registrations. On social distancing and other health and safety measures, the regulations/guidelines that apply to large gathering centers may change. We will conform to all necessary regulations/guidelines that are in place as of the date of the Summit.



Plenary Sessions

Ginger Healy Counselor, Author, and SpeakerGinger discusses attachment- what it is, how it’s developed, and why it’s important for academic success. She explores buffer relationships and attunement to student needs. She digs into teacher triggers and how to look at behaviors that get under our skin. Ginger will offer strategies for removing barriers that block academic success and emotional healing. Participants will make a paradigm shift in understanding behaviors and be able to implement strategies to help children reach academic success and get on the path to healing adversities.

Jorge Valenzuela
Education Coach, Author, and Speaker 

Participants will be inspired to consider evidence-based strategies for helping their learners discover and pursue their passions for academic and life success. There will also be discussion about how student services staff can improve their own well-being.

Breakout Session 1

Scott Showalter
Coordinator of Psychological Services
Emily Pasco
Mental Health Coordinator, PGCPS

This presentation will provide professional school counselors and school psychologists with the knowledge and skills to implement the behavior threat assessment process. Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of how to conduct student interviews and work with the school-based behavior threat assessment team to determine threat levels and complete comprehensive student support plans.


PGCPS Benefits Office
Wellbeing Consultant

Through guided instructions, participants will be able to strengthen their muscles with seated exercise to help build healthier muscles and bones, improves posture, and relieve back pain. Chair yoga can also improve flexibility and balance. By incorporating chair exercises into your routine helps stretch your muscles to achieve their full range of motion.


Dr. Jeff Bostic
Child Psychiatrist, Maryland State Dept Educ School Mental Health Response Program

This presentation will review types of explosive outbursts and matching responses to different types of explosive outbursts. In addition, the stages of outbursts are described, with interventions to help deescalate students provided at each stage.


Jorge Valenzuela
Education Coach, Author, and Speaker

In this interactive session, education coach Jorge Valenzuela models a framework that helps students find common ground when between academic and social and emotional learning topics. Participating educators will practice applying the strategy and reflect on implementing it with colleagues or students.


Raychelle Cassada Lohmann
Counselor, Author, and Speaker

Nationwide schools are experiencing a rise in disruptive student behaviors. Behavioral issues can adversely impact the school environment leading to more peer-to-peer conflict, classroom disruptions, and even staff exhaustion. Educators know firsthand the amount of time spent on disciplining and redirecting challenging behaviors. In this interactive session, you will learn how to accurately assess and interpret challenging behaviors and effectively identify the antecedents for disruptive outbursts. Additionally, you will learn evidence-based coping skills to help your students manage their emotions and control their behavior, leading to more favorable outcomes. This session will help equip you with the essential knowledge to help your students minimize challenging behaviors and maximize academic, emotional, and social success.

Breakout Session 2

Scott Showalter
Coordinator of Psychological Services
Emily Pasco
Mental Health Coordinator, PGCPS

This presentation will provide professional school counselors and school psychologists with the knowledge and skills to implement the behavior threat assessment process. Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of how to conduct student interviews and work with the school-based behavior threat assessment team to determine threat levels and complete comprehensive student support plans.


PGCPS Benefits Office
Wellbeing Consultant

Through guided instructions, participants will be able to strengthen their muscles with seated exercise to help build healthier muscles and bones, improves posture, and relieve back pain. Chair yoga can also improve flexibility and balance. By incorporating chair exercises into your routine helps stretch your muscles to achieve their full range of motion.


Dr. Jeff Bostic
Child Psychiatrist, Maryland State Dept Educ School Mental Health Response Program

This presentation will review types of explosive outbursts and matching responses to different types of explosive outbursts. In addition, the stages of outbursts are described, with interventions to help deescalate students provided at each stage.


Jorge Valenzuela
Education Coach, Author, and Speaker

In this interactive session, education coach Jorge Valenzuela models a framework that helps students find common ground when between academic and social and emotional learning topics. Participating educators will practice applying the strategy and reflect on implementing it with colleagues or students.


Raychelle Cassada Lohmann
Counselor, Author, and Speaker

Nationwide schools are experiencing a rise in disruptive student behaviors. Behavioral issues can adversely impact the school environment leading to more peer-to-peer conflict, classroom disruptions, and even staff exhaustion. Educators know firsthand the amount of time spent on disciplining and redirecting challenging behaviors. In this interactive session, you will learn how to accurately assess and interpret challenging behaviors and effectively identify the antecedents for disruptive outbursts. Additionally, you will learn evidence-based coping skills to help your students manage their emotions and control their behavior, leading to more favorable outcomes. This session will help equip you with the essential knowledge to help your students minimize challenging behaviors and maximize academic, emotional, and social success.



All School Counselors, Social Workers, and School Psychologists who register by August 15th receive a COMPLIMENTARY COUPON to shop the NCYI Resource Fair at the conference!

This is an opportunity for you to personally review and purchase curriculum, activity and small group manuals, books, videos, DVDs and CDs. NCYI has the newest and best guidance resource materials available from America’s foremost publishers in Classroom Guidance, Character Education, Bullying Prevention / Intervention, Anger Management, Conflict Resolution, Separation Issues, Grief Recovery, Learning Disabilities and Social Skills Training.

Save on shipping and handling – You can save 5% to 8% by purchasing from the on-site display and taking the resources with you, which eliminates shipping and handling charges! On-site discounts will also be offered.

Specialty savings on overstock items – Save 50% or more off the retail price of a unique selection of overstock items.

NCYI accepts all major credit cards, personal checks, purchase orders, and even cash for additional purchases! If you have building level funds available, you can use a school purchase order.

Hero Speaker-people shopping

Practical Guidance Resources Educators Can Trust

National Center for Youth Issues, or NCYI, is a national non-profit organization that publishes and distributes guidance resource materials for schools. In addition to publishing its own publications, NCYI represents over 40 different publishers of educational resources. They also provide training opportunities for educators through on-site training services, as well as regional and state-wide conferences.

Thank you to our Vendors!

PGPCS Event Vendors



National Center for Youth Issues
P.O. Box 22185
Chattanooga, TN 37422-2185

The Attendee will receive an email confirmation to the email address provided when their registration is processed. (Make sure to check Junk/Spam folders.)

Make all checks and purchase orders payable to:
National Center for Youth Issues