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Robert B. Jamison

National Level Speaker, Author, and Counselor

Robert B. Jamison currently serves as a coordinator of school counseling services for a large suburban school division and has years of experience as a school counselor and school counseling department chair. He received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Virginia as well as his Master of Science in Education in School Counseling and his Education Specialist degrees from Old Dominion University. Mr. Jamison has also supported school counselors and educators as a member of the Board of Directors for a state school counselor association; and, he served on a state commission for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Robert is also the co-author of the book 15-Minute Focus: Diversity, Bias, and Privilege: Addressing Racial Inequities to Create Inclusive Learning Environments.


's Sessions

The goal of this introspective session is for participants to think about diversity and equity through a more expansive lens. The presenter will review common terms used in schools, classrooms and organizations and how these terms relate to our behaviors. The session will also review things to consider when working with staff and students, and personal stories related to these topics will be shared. Participants will be asked to participate in individual, small and large group activities throughout the presentation.

In this empowering and light-hearted session, student services professionals will consider as well as engage in a variety of self-care activities they can practice throughout their careers. With an honest look at the challenges student services professionals face every day, SSPSC is vital and we will work to address staff well-being during our time together.

Topics presented in this session will include a review of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008, Section 504 eligibility requirements, a school district’s responsibility to implement a comprehensive Section 504 program, and “best practices” to consider. Participants will engage in individual, small and large group activities throughout the presentation. Resources will be made available. The pre-conference session will include the following

  1. Section 504 eligibility explained: What to review and who is Technically Eligible
  2. Section 504 rules and regulations to consider: Documenting Section 504 decisions
  3. Difficult Section 504 issues and scenarios

Throughout each section of the pre-conference session, participants will be encouraged to share current practices and collaborate with professional peers.