April 6-8, 2025
Sheraton Framingham Hotel & Conference Center
Framingham, MA

April 6-8, 2025
Sheraton Framingham Hotel & Conference Center
Framingham, MA

Join us for the MASCA Conference
April 6-8, 2025
Register to Attend
Dynamic Speakers
Gain insights, inspiration, and effective plans of action.
Featured Speakers
30+ Exhibitors
Meet with exhibitors to get valuable resources and information for your school.
Register to Attend
Network and be Refreshed
Get a much needed break and find encouragement from hundreds of school counselors across the state.
Register to Attend
Engaging Breakout Sessions
Multiple breakout sessions available to gain insights, inspiration, and effective plans of action.
Register to Attend
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Join us for the MASCA Conference
April 6-8, 2025
Register to Attend
Dynamic Speakers
Gain insights, inspiration, and effective plans of action.
Featured Speakers
30+ Exhibitors
Meet with exhibitors to get valuable resources and information for your school.
Register to Attend
Network and be Refreshed
Get a much needed break and find encouragement from hundreds of school counselors across the state.
Register to Attend
Engaging Breakout Sessions
Multiple breakout sessions available to gain insights, inspiration, and effective plans of action.
Register to Attend
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Join us for the MASCA Conference
April 6-8, 2025
Register to Attend
Dynamic Speakers
Gain insights, inspiration, and effective plans of action.
Featured Speakers
30+ Exhibitors
Meet with exhibitors to get valuable resources and information for your school.
Register to Attend
Network and be Refreshed
Get a much needed break and find encouragement from hundreds of school counselors across the state.
Register to Attend
Engaging Breakout Sessions
Multiple breakout sessions available to gain insights, inspiration, and effective plans of action.
Register to Attend
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Don't miss Massachusetts' premier conference for school counselors!


Thanks for joining us for the 2023 Lone Star State School Counselor Association Conference!​

We hope to see you next year!


Details to come.


The online registration portal for in-person attendance is now closed, but we will be accepting on-site registration at the event. Please bring the Registration Form with your method of payment to the conference. You can also register online for the virtual only option. See the Registration section below.


Learn more about our Sponsors

The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) supports school counselors’ efforts to help students focus on academic, career and social/emotional development so they achieve success in school and are prepared to lead fulfilling lives as responsible members of society. ASCA provides professional development, publications and other resources, research and advocacy to school counselors around the globe.

For more information contact ASCA at (703) 683-2722 or asca@schoolcounselor.org.

DialCare is a virtual and telephonic counseling service. You can give your students ages 11 and older access to mental health assistance no matter where they are. Members can use their phone, tablet or computer for sessions with mental health professionals from the comfort of their home or on the go. Let our mental health professionals help give you peace of mind.

For more information contact Becca Bean, Senior Vice President at beccab@dialcare.com.


Everyday Speech offers a research-based curriculum for classroom teachers and educational specialists, specifically School Counselors, teaching social-emotional, communication, and behavior skills through engaging videos, interactive activities, and games. Supporting all student tiers in various settings, it’s trusted by 55,000 educators in 5,000 districts. Simply click play to get started!

For more information contact Krystle Favreau, Customer Success Manager at (617) 458-8269 or krystle@everydayspeech.com.


ilearn wellness group’s Psychiatric Day Treatment Program in Newton, MA will provide psychiatric day treatment and psychotherapy services to adolescents from ages 12-17. Our multidisciplinary treatment team will utilize a combined approach of adolescent medicine, behavioral health, and educational professionals. The patient’s progress will be monitored as they progress toward the goal of successfully returning to age-appropriate activities in their/the patients school and community.

For more information contact Lisa Sundstrom, Community Outreach Liaison at (774) 519-6411 or intake@ilearnwellness.com.


Every classroom, every student is bursting with potential. That’s why we pursue relentless innovation at the intersection of technology, people, and curricula. Imagine Learning creates K–12 digital-first solutions, fueled by insights from educators, that evolve with the ever-changing demands of tomorrow. We work alongside educators to support over 15 million students in over half of the districts nationwide. Imagine Learning. Empower potential.

For more information contact Greg Moore, Account Executive at (774) 238-0945 or Greg.moore@imaginelearning.com.

Ithaca College is a campus community where the curious are empowered. Whether they become winning Pulitzers, launch nonprofits, anchor the news, or revolutionize patient care, our students “learn different and leave different.” IC offers over 70 majors and 13 graduate programs. Surrounded by 150 waterfalls in the Finger Lakes region, Ithaca is a student-fueled college town. Ithaca hosts tech startups, a vibrant music scene, Broadway-caliber theatre, and alumni-owned world-class restaurants. For more information contact (607) 274-3124 or admission@ithaca.edu.

Student wellness must include a balanced mind and positive emotional well-being. At iWellness Center, we’ve developed an innovative platform for K-12 schools that surveys students and analyzes data in real time, providing educators with critical insights to proactively support students’ emotional needs. The iWellness Center check-ins allow schools to monitor student well-being and promptly alert staff when immediate intervention is required.

For more information, please contact Whitney Foley,
Chief Executive Officer at (810) 513-6319 or whitney@iwellnesscenter.org, or email support@iwellnesscenter.org.


With Learning Blade you can easily integrate STEM, CS, and CTE concepts into a child’s education. Appropriate for grades 5-9, Learning Blade provides 12 “missions” that contextualize learning and engage all students, including underrepresented and special populations, while reinforcing academic standards. Each of our lessons and resources is indexed so you can see what state standards are being met.  Click here for the Learning Blade Massachusetts Account Request.

For more information contact Joshua Sneideman,
Vice President of Learning Blade at (423) 681-9733 or joshua@learningblade.com.


MEFA’s mission, since our founding in 1982, been to help students and families access and afford higher education and reach financial goals through education programs, tax-advantaged savings plans, low-cost loans, and expert guidance. All of our work aligns with the ever-present goal to support the independence, growth, and success of students and families.

For more information contact MEFA’s K-12 Services team at k12support@mefa.org.


MEFA Pathway Brochure


Milton Hershey School is one of the world’s best private schools, where qualifying students in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade live on campus. Students receive an exceptional educational experience, nurturing home life, college and career readiness support, and comprehensive health and wellness care, including medical and dental services, food, and clothing—with all costs covered.

For more information please contact Charlie Harcourt at 802-500-7795 or HarcourtC@mhs-pa.org.


Ruling Our eXperiences (ROX) is the nation’s only nonprofit organization that supports the complex needs of girls by conducting large-scale research and offering an evidence-based curriculum for girls. ROX trains school counselors & educators to deliver the 20 lesson, small group curriculum to girls in grades 5-12. Curricula is focused on Girl drama & bullying, healthy relationships, social media, body image, stress and coping has been proven effective with more than 47,000 since 2006.

For more information please contact Angel Mensing,
Manager, Growth Initiatives at (614) 488-8080 or angelmensing@rulingourexperiences.com.


SchooLinks is a modern college and career readiness platform that supports districts’ implementation of a comprehensive curriculum and framework to prepare students for the post-secondary pathway of their choice.  Containing more than eighty interactive student experiences from interest discoveries, academic planning, and soft skill development – SchooLinks offers internship matching, career mentorship, industry partner management, and more to help districts support holistic postsecondary readiness. Our unified solution supports Oklahoma’s initiatives for improved student outcomes and postsecondary readiness.

For more information please contact Jamie Gorski, Account Executive at jgorski@schoolinks.com.

Tuition Now Costs a Whopping $90,000 a Year or More at Some Universities Our comprehensive educational workshop, Little-Known Secrets of Paying for College, is designed to empower families by understanding the complex strategies for saving and paying for college. Unlike standard financial aid presentations, we educate parents with students of all ages and demographics, helping families figure out HOW to pay for higher education and still retire one day. Founded in 2002, The College Funding Coach® mission remains steadfast: empowering families with the comprehensive knowledge and tools necessary to make informed decisions. Parents don’t know what they don’t know! Partner with us to bring this critical information to your parent community. For more information please contact Kareen Blake at (781) 990-5148 or kblake@thecollegefundingcoach.org.

Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) is one of the most demanding and successful leadership programs in the country. For years, Army ROTC has been creating leaders who go on to rewarding careers in the military and civilian worlds. Army ROTC’s college leadership program offers a commission as a second lieutenant in either the active Army or Reserves/National Guard in a variety of career fields including Combat Arms (Aviation, Armor, Artillery, Infantry, or Engineers). ROTC also provides you with discipline and money for tuition while enhancing your college experience. There are two-, three-, and four-year scholarship programs available, as well as funds for stipends and book expenses.

As a program, we recruit and retain quality Cadets who would best serve the Nation.  We educate and train Cadets on Army officership, Army Values, standards and operations.  Cadets are coached and mentored to be leaders of Soldiers.   Our result is quality Commissioned Army Officers of character, armed with the tools to succeed and ready to lead our Nation’s Soldiers.

For more information please contact Scott Lyons, Scholarship & Enrollment Officer at sc.lyons@northeastern.edu or 617-838-0544.


For busy school counselors and district administrators, Xello is the only K-12 software that genuinely engages every student in creating a plan for future success. With a program students love to use, Xello helps educators work more efficiently, effortlessly meet college and career readiness goals, and easily equip kids with the skills and knowledge to be future ready.

Learn how you can help every student, regardless of background, ability, or pathway, build their plan for future success!

For more information contact Meghan Foster, Director of Sales at (800) 965-8541 or meghanf@xello.world.



We are excited that the 2025 MASCA Conference will offer both an in-person experience and a virtual option! Whether you would like to getaway from your routine or stay in the comfort of your own home we have options for you. See the breakdown for what each offers.

All who register will have access to the virtual conference portal. The virtual conference portal will stream the general keynote sessions live and will have those recorded live sessions available to view about one week following the conference if missed on those dates. The online portal will also have prerecorded breakout sessions covering multiple topics available to view when the conference begins on April 6, 2025. The pre-conference sessions will only be live and in person. They will not be available with the virtual option.

All sessions in the online portal will be available to view until May 31, 2025.

Keynote Sessions

In-Person Experience: Live and access to recorded sessions.

Virtual Option: Stream live and access to recorded sessions.

Pre-Conference Sessions

In-Person Experience: Live. (These sessions will not be recorded and made available online.)

Virtual Option: N/A

Breakout Sessions

In-Person Experience: Live and access to all pre-recorded sessions.

Virtual Option: Access to all pre-recorded sessions.

Professional Development Points and Graduate Credit

In-Person Experience: Receive credits for viewing sessions (Keynote, Pre-Conference, and Breakout) in person and earn additional credits for viewing sessions in the online portal. A minimum of 10 PDPs from MASCA or the option of 1 or 2 graduate credits from Lindenwood University are available for attendees who complete the requirements.

Virtual Option: Receive credits for all sessions viewed online (live-streamed and recorded). A minimum of 10 PDPs from MASCA and the option of 1 or 2 graduate credits from Lindenwood University are available for attendees who complete the requirements.

Exhibitors & Sponsors

In-Person Experience: Live only

Virtual Option: N/A


In-Person Experience: Live only

Virtual Option: N/A

Meals and Refreshments

In-Person Experience: Live only

Virtual Option: N/A


We have many dynamic speakers who will be speaking at the conference. Check back soon!

Keynote Speakers

Diana Virgil

Diana Virgil headshot

Patrick Tutwiler

Patrick Tutwiler headshot

Opening Keynote Session 
April 7, 2025| 8:00 a.m.

Gain a deeper understanding of code-switching to effectively engage with your students in an authentic manner. Explore the various masks individuals wear, including generational gaps and cultural differences, and learn strategies to connect with students and colleagues. Diana Virgil, 2024 School Counselor of the Year, also delves into human growth and development, focusing on working with parents/guardians and diverse family structures to enhance your school counseling approach.

After attending the session, you will be able to:

  • Develop a clear understanding of code-switching to authentically connect with students
  • Explore the diverse masks individuals wear, including generational and cultural influences, to foster connections with students and colleagues
  • Gain insights into human growth and development in the context of working with parents and diverse family structures



Diana Virgil, Ph.D., ACSC, of Alabama’s Daleville High School

Virgil has been a school counselor since 2015 and works on a campus that serves 346 students in grades 9–12. She is the 17th person to receive the national recognition and the first from Alabama. Virgil received her bachelor’s, master’s and educational specialist degrees from Mississippi College and a doctorate degree from University of the Cumberlands. She is an ASCA-Certified School Counselor, a National Certified School Counselor and a National Certified Counselor.

Many Daleville High School students are trailblazers in their families, aiming to be the first to graduate from high school. When Virgil was hired, she noticed a significant number of students weren’t participating in dual-enrollment classes due to a lack of awareness, limited college aspirations, transportation challenges and financial constraints. Virgil promptly established a partnership with the local community college to boost student enrollment. A significant turning point came when the college received a grant to provide eligible students with free tuition and books for dual enrollment, revolutionizing the opportunities for students to earn both high school and college credit. To address transportation challenges, Virgil worked with the college to implement online courses and enlisted teachers to teach dual enrollment courses at the high school. Her approaches increased the number of students in dual-enrollment courses from four to more than 40 each semester. This year, the school is on the cusp of graduating its first student with a high school diploma and an associate degree in science, along with its first student with a mechatronics certification from the aviation college. As a result of Virgil’s extensive collaboration and advocacy efforts, Daleville High School now offers dual-enrollment courses in science, English and math. For Virgil, the most rewarding part of her work as a school counselor is the opportunity to be a support system for her students.

Closing Keynote Session 
April 8, 2025| 10:30 a.m.

As Massachusetts Secretary of Education, Patrick Tutwiler directs the Executive Office of Education, which oversees early education, K-12, and higher education. Secretary Tutwiler sits on each of the boards governing the Commonwealth’s education agencies, as well as the University of Massachusetts system. He is Governor Maura Healey’s top advisor on education and helps shape the Commonwealth’s education agenda.

Before being sworn in as Secretary, Dr. Tutwiler served as the senior program officer at the Boston-based Barr Foundation, a grant making organization focused on arts, climate and education. Prior to that, Secretary Tutwiler was superintendent of the Lynn Public Schools and headmaster at Boston Public Schools. As superintendent of Lynn Public Schools, he spearheaded a collaborative, equity-centered effort that translated into higher graduation rates and a more racially diverse staff while also overseeing the creation of the Commonwealth’s second largest early college program.

Session information to come.

Click the session to title to learn more

Preconference Speakers

**Available for in-person only

Preconference Session**
April 6, 2025| 2:00 p.m.

Utilizing the Book: “Overcoming the School Trauma Cycle” by Trynia Kaufman we utilized a Professional Learning Community within our diverse schools to better inform participants’ professional practice. Upon completion, analysis, and synthesis of the work each school developed interventions for its students. These interventions were implemented for 8 weeks, at the conclusion results were shared with school staff and recommendations were suggested.

Preconference Session**
April 6, 2025| 2:00 p.m.

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a powerful technique well-suited to a variety of counseling topics and contexts. In this session, you will learn about the College and Career Readiness Motivational Interview (CCRMI), a semi-structured interview protocol that helps assess college and career readiness strengths employing an asset-based approach, and MI techniques to intervene. The CCRMI is malleable to meet diverse postsecondary planning needs.

Preconference Session**
April 6, 2025| 2:00 p.m.

This interactive session will describe the importance of maintaining ethical boundaries in our professional roles. The presentation will incorporate literature and research that describes the importance of maintaining professional boundaries to support the the social-emotional wellbeing of ourselves, our students, and school staff. Case studies will be used to explore this topic.

Preconference Session**
April 6, 2025| 2:00 p.m.

Elementary school counseling encompasses a wide range of responsibilities, from individual to whole-school interventions. This presentation focuses on elementary best practices, which include: exploration and discussion of “comprehensive counseling program” at the elementary level; sharing of interventions and strategies; hands-on SEL activities for students/staff; and counselor self-care. Time for collaboration and networking is included.

Preconference Session**
April 6, 2025| 2:00 p.m.

This preconference session designed to prepare graduate students for the job application process and transition into the role of a school counselor. Topics will include: resume and cover letter best practices, interviewing techniques and practice, navigating the licensure process, and tips to transition successfully into your first year as a school counselor.

Preconference Session**
April 6, 2025| 2:00 p.m.

This presentation explores the integration of pop culture into counseling sessions and classroom guidance lessons to effectively address anxiety in PK-12 students. Using a CBT framework, the session will demonstrate how familiar and engaging elements from popular media can be strategically utilized to connect with students, enhance their understanding of anxiety, and teach practical coping mechanisms.

Click the session to title to learn more

More speakers will be presenting at the conference. Check back soon!



The conference takes place on Sunday, November 3 - Tuesday, November 5. Check back soon for a detailed schedule!

*Streamed live

**Available for in-person only

SBEC and LPC Hours

15.5 SBEC CPE hours available (#902-466)

15.5 LPC CPE hours available (2740)

PDP Information

MASCA is an approved PDP provider. Attendees can earn by attending the Full Conference on April 3-4, 2023. PDP info will be shared with all registrants.

Come have fun at the Receptions on Sunday and Monday evenings!

Click the image for more information.

Graduate Credit

You may apply to Lindenwood University for graduate credit any time during or after the conference. The graduate credit registration is open for Spring 2025 and Summer 2025, and the cost is $75 per credit hour. For detailed syllabus and registration, reach out to Azam Nathaniel, Program Manager at k12pd@lindenwood.edu or anathaniel@lindenwood.edu.


We are excited to have you join us!
Save the date! Registration will open soon.

In-Person Registration is Now Closed
The online registration portal for in-person attendance is now closed, but we will be accepting on-site registration at the event.
Please bring the Registration Form (download below) with your method of payment to the conference.
You can also register online for the virtual only option. See below.

Advanced Registration Deadline:
April 3, 2025


The online registration portal for in-person attendance is now closed, but we will be accepting on-site registration at the event. Please bring the Registration Form (download below) with your method of payment to the conference.

You can also register online for the virtual only option. See below.

Become a Member

Please visit the MASCA website and become a member or renew your annual membership. Please contact MASCA directly for all membership questions.

Supervisor Approval Letter

Do you need help justifying this conference to your Supervisor? Vying for a good funding source can be challenging sometimes. We have created a letter (modeled from ASCA) you can customize to support your efforts to attend the 2025 MASCA Conference!

Graduate Student Poster Session Information

MASCA is now accepting proposals for the graduate student poster session at the 2025 MASCA Conference!  We are excited to announce that the 2025 MASCA Conference will offer both an in-person experience and a virtual option. Consequently, the graduate student poster session will also have in-person and virtual components. 

Interested graduate students can learn more and submit their proposals using the portal linked here.  Presenting a poster during graduate studies is a wonderful opportunity for you to showcase your work.

Proposals are due Sunday, December 29, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. without exception.

Questions about the graduate student poster session can be directed to Dr. Maria Letasz at mletasz@westfield.ma.edu.

Main Conference | April 7-8

Professional Member*

In-Person: $199

Virtual: $145

Student Member*

In-Person: $115

Virtual: $80

Retiree Member*

In-Person: $115

Virtual: $80


In-Person: $244

Virtual: $190

Get discounted rates if you register by January 31st!***

See the registration form below for more information.

Pre-Conference | April 6

Available for In-Person attendees only.

Professional Member*

In-Person: $85

Student Member*

In-Person: $30

Retiree Member*

In-Person: $70


In-Person: $105

*Your MASCA membership must be good through April 8, 2025 to qualify for these rates.

**If you register for the Main Conference as a Non-Member you will receive a complimentary MASCA membership. Pre-Conference Only registration does not include a complimentary MASCA membership.

***To qualify for the early registration discount, your registration form AND payment (copy of your purchase order, check, or credit card) must be received or postmarked by the early registration cutoff date.  

Online Registration has Closed

The online registration portal is now closed, but we will be accepting on-site registration at the event. Please bring the Registration Form (see below to download) with your method of payment to the conference.

To pay with a check or purchase order please download the registration form and send it in with your check or purchase order. Registrations cannot be processed without payment. Contact us with questions.

Please Note: If we are forced to cancel the MASCA Conference because of a “force majeure” event, such as a government restriction on large gatherings that cover the intended size of the conference, then we will issue full refunds of the registrations. Otherwise, our normal cancellation policy will be upheld: There will be no refunds after March 6, 2025. All cancellations before March 6, 2025 will be refunded less a $25 handling fee. The association is not responsible for and cannot give refunds due to problems beyond its control, such as weather and school closings.

On social distancing and other health and safety measures, the regulations/guidelines that apply to hotels and conference centers may change. The MASCA Conference will conform to all necessary regulations/guidelines that are in place as of the date of the conference.

If you transfer your registration from Virtual to In-Person (or vice versa), a $25 transaction fee will apply.

The online registration portal for in-person attendance is now closed, but we will be accepting on-site registration at the event. Please bring the Registration Form (click the button to download) along with your method of payment to the conference.


Online registeration is for the virtual only option.

Register online below using a credit card, or download the registration form and send it in with your payment.

To pay with a check or purchase order please download the registration form and send it in with your check or purchase order. Registrations cannot be processed without payment. Contact us with questions.



Sheraton Framingham Hotel & Conference Center

1657 Worcester Road
Framingham, MA 01701


Reservation information coming soon.

All events of the conference will be located at the Sheraton Framingham Hotel. Standard rooms at the hotel may be reserved at a special conference rate of $159 plus tax. This rate is valid through March 11, 2025.

For phone reservations, call Marriott reservations at 1-888-236-2427. Please mention the dates of the conference (April 5-8, 2025), the “Sheraton Framingham Hotel” and the “Massachusetts School Counselors Association Conference,” or the group code: MASMASF to receive the discounted conference rate.

Massachusetts School Counselor Association Conferece Hotel - Sheraton Framingham exterior

Make Hotel Reservations Early! Limited Availability!


Fairfield Inn & Suites Framingham

1657 Worcester Road
Framingham, MA 01701


The Fairfield Inn and Suites is connected to the venue at the Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center. Standard rooms at the hotel may be reserved at a special conference rate of $166 plus tax. This includes breakfast. This rate is valid through March 11, 2025.

Fairfield Inn & Suites Framingham

Make Hotel Reservations Early! Limited Availability!

Come Learn and Play!

Framingham lies mid-way between Boston and Worcester and offers a nice getaway from the business of everyday life. You can find one-of-a-kind shops and boutiques, along with local restaurants and brewpubs. For more information about the things to do in Framingham, click the link below.

We hope this conference will educate and equip you to do your job well, and we also hope you will take advantage of the wonderful ways you can relax and be refreshed!



Fax 423.899.4547


National Center for Youth Issues
P.O. Box 22185
Chattanooga, TN 37422-2185

Make all checks and purchase orders payable to:
National Center for Youth Issues

The Attendee will receive an email confirmation to the email address provided when their registration is processed. (Make sure to check Junk/Spam folders.) Please allow ample time for processing.

Please contact MASCA directly with all membership questions.

Sponsors receive attendee contact information.